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Frisco Backyard Fuels and Recreation Project #63395

The Forest Service is proposing approximately 1,250 acres of fuels reduction activities and approximately 25 miles of trails decommission, improvement, and construction activities near the Town of Frisco.

The Dillon Ranger District of the White River National Forest (WRNF) is preparing an environmental assessment (EA) for fuels treatment and recreational trail projects within an area adjacent to the Town of Frisco known by residents as the “Backyard.” This proposed project in the Backyard is located on National Forest System (NFS) lands generally south and east of downtown Frisco, comprising Mount Royal, Miners Creek, Rainbow Lake, Ophir Mountain, and Gold Hill. This area has recently been designated as the Camp-Hale Continental Divide National Monument.

The WRNF proposes to conduct fuels treatment activities on up to approximately 1,233 acres within 11 identified treatment units. These treatments are proposed within areas predominately composed of lodgepole pine, mixed conifer and fir, and aspen cover types. All three vegetation community types exhibit varying levels of mortality from insects, disease, and drought. There are also areas of high fuel loading concentrated near the WRNF/private land boundary and along Miners Creek Road. The proposed treatment units would complement treatments that have already been completed in the Rainbow Lake and Ophir Mountain area, creating continuous fuel breaks to support potential fire control efforts.

Additionally, the WRNF also intends to consider administering a special use permit (SUP) to the Town of Frisco for maintenance and improvement of trails within the Backyard. Proposed recreation projects within this area include approximately 21 miles of trails projects, restoration of vegetation and habitat within the Rainbow Lake area, and improvement of trailheads and parking areas.

For the latest project details please visit the project website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=63395. The proposal can also be viewed in an interactive viewer at https://arcg.is/181GiK0.

A public open house for the proposal will held at the Frisco Day Lodge on May 2, 2023 from 5pm to 7pm. Specific written comments on the proposed project will be accepted for 30 calendar days following publication of a legal notice in the Summit Daily, anticipated to begin on or around April 14, 2023 and ending on or around May 15, 2023.

The purpose of this scoping period is to provide an opportunity for the public to have early and meaningful participation in the process and to learn more about the proposed projects. The analysis and public involvement process will include an opportunity for public comment when the EA is complete. The public will also have opportunity to object before the final decision is made, consistent with 36 CFR 218(a)(b).

How to Comment and Timeframe

Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, and electronic comments concerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following the publication of this notice.

Persons commenting should include: 1) name, address, telephone number, organization represented, if any; 2) name of the proposal on which the comment is being submitted (Frisco Backyard Fuels and Recreation Project); and 3) specific facts and supporting reasons for consideration. Written comments may be submitted via mail, fax, electronically, or in person (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays) to Adam Bianchi, District Ranger, Dillon Ranger District, c/o Kathleen Gray, 680 Blue River Parkway, P.O. Box 620, Silverthorne CO 80498-0620, telephone 970-468-5400, fax 970-468-7735. Electronic comments are encouraged and can be submitted online at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=63395. Click on “comment” on the right side of the page.

For more information about this project, contact WRNF project manager Kathleen Gray at kathleen.gray@usda.gov.


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Scoping (Scoping Comment)

 Forsyth, Jessica Summit County Government05/12/2023163 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Hallman, Howard  05/12/202377 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Testin, Jim  05/12/20232 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Castrigno, Thomas  05/12/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Johnston, Susanne  05/12/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Remsberg, Colleen  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Galanes, James  05/13/20234 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Pascual, Daymon  05/13/20232 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Hinrichs, Jeff  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 ryan, steven  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Provorse, Kasey  05/13/20232 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Brown, Howard Ophir Fund05/13/20234 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Handelman, Karen  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Lehr, John  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Hirshman, Marc  05/13/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Pierce, Lyn  05/14/2023156 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 DelGrego, Barbara  05/14/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Strasser, Alex Colorado Parks and Wildlife05/14/2023139 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Getz, Steve  05/14/20232 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 hollingsworth, kyle  05/14/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Held, Andrew  05/14/202326 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Williams, Jordan Continental Divide Trail Coalition05/15/2023206 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Koehler, Tom Friends of the Lower Blue River05/15/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Vanderkooi, Robert  05/15/20231 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
 Pitts, Molly Intermountain Forest Association05/15/2023203 KB [id:5048]Scoping (Scoping Comment) (Total Letters: 67)
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