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APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project #56977

Arizona Public Service Co. proposes a 69kV electric transmission line to improve electric reliability for nearby communities. Alternatives considered for this project would require a Forest Plan Amendment for guidelines regarding scenic resources.

Forest Supervisor Aaron Mayville, the Responsible Official for the Coconino National Forest (COF), has prepared a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Decision Notice (DN) for the proposed APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69-kilovolt (69kV) Transmission Line Project (Project) and the proposed project-specific amendment to the COF Land and Resource Management Plan (referred to as the Forest Plan). The APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project includes the construction and operation of an approximately 13.7-mile 69kV transmission line that will connect the Oak Creek and McGuireville substations between the Village of Oak Creek and McGuireville in Yavapai County, Arizona. The transmission line will include overhead and underground transmission lines and related infrastructure, permanent and temporary access roads, and pulling areas needed during initial construction. The transmission line will be constructed using both conventional overhead (above ground) technology with standard single- and double-circuit poles and using trenching and directional boring for the underground portions of the 69kV line.

The APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project proposes a project-specific plan amendment to the Forest Plan for approximately 42.6 acres of the Project where it will not meet Forest Plan guidelines for scenic resources in areas designated as High Scenic Integrity Objective (SIO). The proposed Forest Plan amendment will allow for an exception to the application of the management guideline in the Forest Plan (FW-Scenic-G-1), which states, “Management activities and permitted uses should be designed and implemented to maintain or move toward the desired SIOs.” This Forest Plan amendment will allow for a project-specific exception to this management guideline and will not change the desired SIO for planning future projects.

The Final EA, supporting documentation, and Draft DN are available online at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/coconino/?project=56977. These documents are also available upon request. Additional information regarding this action can be obtained from: Mike Dechter, NEPA Coordinator, 1824 S. Thompson St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001, (928) 527-3416, michael.dechter@usda.gov.

How to File an Objection and Timeframe:

The proposed APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project and proposed project-specific Forest Plan amendment are subject to the objection process pursuant to 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 218 Subparts A and B. Objections to the APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project will only be accepted from those who have previously submitted timely comments regarding the Project during the designated opportunities for public comment in accordance with §218.5(a), unless based on information not available during an earlier designated opportunity for public comment (i.e., new information).

Objections must be submitted within 45 calendar days following the publication of the notice in the Arizona Daily Sun. The publication date in the Arizona Daily Sun, the newspaper of record, is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection. A timely submission will be determined by U.S. Postal Service postmark; the agency’s electronically generated posted date and time for email and facsimiles; or shipping date for delivery by private carrier. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure timely receipt of any objections submitted. The regulations at 36 CFR 218 prohibit extending the time to file an objection.

Objections, including attachments, must be addressed to the Reviewing Officer, Regional Forester, 333 Broadway Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87102; by email to objections-southwestern-regional-office@usda.gov, or by visiting the project webpage at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/coconino/?project=56977 and clicking on “Comment/Object on Project” on the right side of the page. Objections submitted via email will result in an automated response reply to confirm the electronic objection has been received. If an automated response is not received, it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure timely filing by other means. Electronic objections must be submitted in MS Word, portable document format (PDF), or rich text format (RTF). The subject line for electronic submissions should contain APS Oak Creek to McGuireville 69kV Transmission Line Project.

Eligible objections must be filed, in writing, with the reviewing officer and must be open to public inspection during the objection process. At a minimum, an objection must include the following
(36 CFR 218.8(d)):

(1) The objector’s name and address, with a telephone number, if available;

(2) A signature or other verification of authorship upon request (a scanned signature for email may be filed with the objection);

(3) When multiple names are listed on an objection, identification of the lead objector (verification of the identity of the lead objector shall be provided upon request);

(4) The name of the proposed project, the name and title of the Responsible Official, and the name(s) of the National Forest(s) and/or Ranger District(s) on which the proposed project will be implemented;

(5) A description of those aspects of the proposed project addressed by the objection, including specific issues related to the proposed project if applicable, how the objector believes the environmental analysis or draft decision specifically violates law, regulation, or policy; suggested remedies that would resolve the objection; supporting reasons for the reviewing officer to consider; and

(6) A statement that demonstrates connection between prior specific written comments on the particular proposed project or activity and the content of the objection, unless the objection concerns an issue that arose after the designated opportunity(ies) for comment. Incorporation of documents by reference is permitted only as provided in §218.8(b).

The Reviewing Officer must set aside and not review an objection when one or more of the following applies: (1) they are not filed in a timely manner; (2) the proposed project is not subject to the objection procedures; (3) the individual or entity did not submit timely and specific written comments during opportunities for public comment; (4) except for issues that arose after the opportunities for comment, none of the issues included in the objection are based on previously submitted written comments and the objector has not provided a statement demonstrating a connection between the comments and the objection issue; (5) the objection does not provide sufficient information as required; (6) the objector withdraws the objection; (7) an objector’s identity is not provided or cannot be determined from the signature, and a reasonable means of contact is not provided; or (8), the objection is illegible for any reason, including submissions in an electronic format different from that specified in the legal notice, and (9) the responsible official cancels the objection process underway to reinitiate the objection procedures at a later date or withdraw the proposed project or activity.

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 Childress, Frank  03/07/2025492 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Anon, Frank and Rose Concerned Citizens of Sedona (VOC)03/07/2025553 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Allen, Linda  03/04/2025304 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Roberson, Floyd  03/04/202554 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Kopitke, Patricia  03/03/20253.85 MB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Shapiro, Michele  03/03/202522 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Muehlgay, Raven  03/03/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Bosset, Eric  03/03/2025169 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Chanler, Margaret  03/03/2025270 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Smith, Susan  03/03/2025112 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Asher, Alicia  03/03/20253.01 MB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Gardiner, Steven  03/03/20252.64 MB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Lawler, Mark  03/03/202512.17 MB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Cornett, Kaveri  03/03/202550 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Hosford, Laura  03/03/202549 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Themer, Judy  03/03/2025345 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Barbour, Randy  03/03/2025266 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Myers, David  03/02/2025588 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Feine, Lori  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Dysert, Marlene  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Scott, Suzie  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Laurich, Mitch  03/02/20255 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Michael, Emory  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Easterday, Lynne  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
 Michael, Mia  03/02/20251 KB [id:6408]Objection () (Total Letters: 170)
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