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Southwest Idaho Resilient Landscape Project #61880

A project to allow for annual prescribed burning to achieve restoration objectives.

The Boise National Forest has published the Environmental Assessment (EA), Finding of No Significant Impact (DN/FONSI), and the Draft Decision Notice (DN) for the Southwest Idaho Resilient Landscape Project. The selected alternative in the draft DN would authorize multiple prescribed burns on National Forest System lands across the Boise National Forest. This project would provide a range of prescribed fire opportunities that can be prioritized and scheduled as necessary in any given year. The aim of this project is to increase the amount of annual prescribed burning each year over the next 15 to 20 years, as funding and resources allow. This decision would only authorize prescribed burning and removal of small trees, no commercial timber harvest is included with this proposal.

The Responsible Official is Brant Petersen, Forest Supervisor, and the Objection Reviewing Officer is the Intermountain (R4) Regional Forester. The EA and Draft DN are available at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/boise/?project=61880.. For additional information contact Ryan Jones, Project Lead, at ryan.c.jones@usda.gov.  or at 208-373-4100.

This action is subject to the predecisional administrative review process outlined in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 218, Subparts A and B. A final decision will not be made until after the requirements of 36 CFR 218.12, Timing of Project Decision, have been met.

Eligibility to File Objections

Objections can be accepted only from individuals and entities who have submitted timely, specific written comments regarding a proposed project or activity subject to these regulations during any designated opportunity for public comment, per the regulations at 36 CFR 218.5(a). Additional eligibilities are established in 36 CFR 218.5(b) through (f). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted timely, specific, written comments regarding the proposed project unless based on new information arising after designated opportunities for comment. A connection to previous comments must be demonstrated in the objection.

Individual members of organizations must have submitted their own comments to meet the requirements of eligibility as an individual. Objections received on behalf of an organization are considered as those of the organization only. If an objection is submitted on behalf of a number of individuals or organizations, each individual or organization listed must meet the eligibility requirement of having previously submitted comments on the project (36 CFR 218.5). Names and addresses of objectors will become part of the public record.

Contents of an Objection

Incorporation of documents by reference in the objection is permitted only as provided for at 36 CFR 218.8(b). Minimum content requirements of an objection as identified in 36 CFR 218.8(d) include:

  • Objector’s name and address with a telephone number if available; with signature or other verification of authorship supplied upon request.
  • Identification of the lead objector when multiple names are listed, along with verification upon request.
  • Name of project, name and title of the responsible official, national forest/ranger district where project is located.
  • Sufficient narrative description of those aspects of the proposed project objected to, specific issues related to the project, how environmental law, regulation, or policy would be violated, and suggested remedies which would resolve the objection; and
  • A statement demonstrating the connection between prior specific written comments on this project and the content of the objection unless the objection issue arose after the designated opportunities for comment.
Filing an Objection

Objections must be postmarked (if sent via postal mail), faxed, or submitted electronically via the project webpage at https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=61880 within 45 days following publication of this legal notice. Mailed objections should be sent to Objection Reviewing Officer, Southwest Idaho Resilient Landscape Project, USFS Intermountain Regional Office, Room 4403, 324 25th Street, Ogden, UT  84401. Hand delivery of written objections can be made during normal working hours to this address. Objections may be faxed to 801-625-5365. Electronic objections must be submitted in a format such as Portable Document Format (pdf), plain text (.txt), or Word (.doc or .docx) and electronic file names must be less than 85 characters long (including spaces). It is the responsibility of objectors to ensure their objection is received in a timely manner (36 CFR 218.9).

The publication date in the Idaho Statesman, newspaper of record, is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection to this project. Those wishing to object to the EA and Draft DN should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source.

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 DownloadAuthor Name(sorted ascending)Organization NameDate SubmittedSize

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 Carter, John Yellowstone to Uintas Connection05/19/20243.79 MB [id:5802]Objection () (Total Letters: 5)
 fite, katie po box 12505/20/202416.21 MB [id:5802]Objection () (Total Letters: 5)
 fite, katie WildLands Defense05/20/202428 KB [id:5802]Objection () (Total Letters: 5)
 Garrity, Michael Alliance For The Wild Rockies05/20/202415.16 MB [id:5802]Objection () (Total Letters: 5)
 Johnson, Sara Native Ecosystem Council05/20/202434.39 MB [id:5802]Objection () (Total Letters: 5)
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Disclaimer: Letters that may contain proprietary or sensitive resource information, or that may be otherwise sensitive, are automatically withheld from displaying in the reading room pending human review. Letters received, but not accessible here, will still be considered and included as part of the record for this project. Most flagged letters are cleared for posting within a few days of being received. Posting may also be delayed for comments not submitted via the web form (e.g., email, mail or fax).