The project is located on the Methow Valley Ranger District east and south of Twisp, Washington in Townships 32 and 33 North, Ranges 19, 20, and 21 East, Willamette Meridian. The project area covers about 50,200 acres. Proposed activities include up to 1,952 acres of commercial thinning treatments; 8,304 acres of non-commercial thinning treatments; 10,968 acres of prescribed fire treatments; 468 acres of soil restoration treatments; replacement of 23 culverts, 8.2 miles of coarse woody debris enhancement; beaver habitat enhancement at six sites; rock armouring at 33 sites; created hardened fords at four stream crossings; closing, opening, and decommissioning roads; repairing a bridge across the West Fork Buttermilk Creek; and building temporary roads. Treatments are proposed within Riparian Reserves and in an Inventoried Roadless Area.