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Sandwich Vegetation Management Project #57392

: Zack Porter
: Standing Trees
: 04/01/2024

Exhibit 1 Notice of Availability NH Union Leader.pdf84 KB
Exhibit 10 Harris et al Net Carbon Change Paper.pdf4.4 MB
Exhibit 11 Keeton et al. Late-Successional Biomass Development.pdf800 KB
Exhibit 12 Faison et al. Adaptation and Mitigation Capacity Paper.pdf706 KB
Exhibit 13 Keith et al. Forest Biomass Carbon Stocks Paper.pdf2.27 MB
Exhibit 14 Luyssaert et al. Old Growth Carbon Sinks Paper.pdf263 KB
Exhibit 15 Leverett et al. Older White Pines Study.pdf1.11 MB
Exhibit 16 Thom et al. Climate Sensitivity Paper.pdf1.22 MB
Exhibit 17 Stephenson et al. Rate of Tree Carbon Accumulation.pdf1.47 MB
Exhibit 18 Brown et al. Timber Harvest Disturbance Study.pdf4.3 MB
Exhibit 19 Duveneck and Thompson Paper.pdf852 KB
Exhibit 2 Standing Trees Draft EA Comments.pdf2.69 MB
Exhibit 20 Petrenko and Friedland Soil Paper.pdf386 KB
Exhibit 21 Endangered Species Status for Northern Long-Eared Bat.pdf2.52 MB
Exhibit 22 Biological Opinion NLEB Reinitiation - Forest Service.pdf1.45 MB
Exhibit 23 E-mail Chain from Jim Innes 8-9-23 and 8-10-23.pdf227 KB
Exhibit 24 Email from Theresa Corless 8-25-23.pdf203 KB
Exhibit 25 Land Management Planning Handbook - Chpt. 70.pdf282 KB
Exhibit 26 Roadless Rule 2001.pdf329 KB
Exhibit 27 Species Status Assessment for the Northern-Long Eared Bat.pdf6.7 MB
Exhibit 29 NH SC Draft EA comment.pdf1 KB
Exhibit 3 Standing Trees Scoping Comments.pdf501 KB
Exhibit 30 Birdsey et al. Middle-Aged Forests Climate Mitigation Poteltial Paper.pdf3.45 MB
Exhibit 31 DKey.pdf814 KB
Exhibit 32 Comment Consideration for Sandwich VMP.pdf454 KB
Exhibit 4 Mature and Old-growth Forests.pdf1.18 MB
Exhibit 5 Letter from Chris French 12-18-23.pdf222 KB
Exhibit 6 NEPA Guidance on GHG Emissions.pdf482 KB
Exhibit 7 Land Management for Old Growth.pdf246 KB
Exhibit 8 E-mail from Theresa Corless 3-27-24.pdf39 KB
Exhibit 9 Forest Service Climate Adaptation Plan.pdf26.06 MB
Letter Text.pdf66.16 MB
Standing Trees Sandwich VMP Objection.pdf596 KB

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