Ex. 16 - IPCC Summary for Policymakers 1.5 C (2018).pdf | 1.48 MB
Ex. 16 - IPCC Summary for Policymakers 1.5 C (2018).pdf | 1.48 MB
Ex. 17 - Law et al. Land use and climte change (2018).pdf | 1.16 MB
Ex. 18 - Moomaw et al. Proforestation (2019).pdf | 566 KB
Ex. 19 - Hudiburg Meeting GHG reduction targets (2019).pdf | 1.63 MB
Ex. 20 - Law et al. Status of Science on carbon storage (2020).pdf | 187 KB
Ex. 21 - B. Law & W. Moomaw Keeping Trees in the Ground The Conversation - 2021-02-23.pdf | 2.87 MB
Ex. 22 - B. Law & M. Harmon Forest Sector Carbon Management (2011).pdf | 1.97 MB
Ex. 23 - M. Harmon Have product substitution carbon benefits (2019).pdf | 1.11 MB
Ex. 24 - BLM Western Or. RMP FEIS (2009).pdf | 3.84 MB
Ex. 25 - Forest Service Carbon Website (Nov. 2018).pdf | 200 KB
Ex. 26 - Harris et al. Attribution of net carbon change (2016).pdf | 4.4 MB
Ex. 27 - OSM & BLM Colowyo EA (2016) (excerpts).pdf | 272 KB
Ex. 28 - USFS Coal Lease Mods SFEIS (2017) (excerpts).pdf | 293 KB
Ex. 29 - 4FRI Stakeholders Old and Large Tree Strategy.pdf | 544 KB
Ex. 30 - Pritchard et al. Adapting western North American Forests (2021).pdf | 1.74 MB
Letter Text.pdf | 23.71 MB