Ex. 1 - USFS Roadless Area Conservation Rule FEIS (2000) (excerpts).pdf | 220 KB
Ex. 10 - DellaSala GEOS report - Tongass emissions final report compressed.pdf | 2.03 MB
Ex. 11 - IPCC Summary for Policymakers 1.5 C (2018).pdf | 1.48 MB
Ex. 12 - Law et al. Land use and climte change (2018).pdf | 1.16 MB
Ex. 13 - Moomaw et al. Proforestation (2019).pdf | 566 KB
Ex. 14 - Hudiburg Meeting GHG reduction targets (2019).pdf | 1.63 MB
Ex. 15 - Law et al. Status of Science on carbon storage (2020).pdf | 187 KB
Ex. 2 - Lolo NF Redd Bull Final EA (Jan. 2021) (excerpts).pdf | 3.39 MB
Ex. 3 - IPCC Summary for Policymakers 1.5 C (2018).pdf | 1.48 MB
Ex. 4 - H. Fountain Climate Change Is Accelerating NYTimes (Dec. 2019).pdf | 735 KB
Ex. 5 - Exec. Order 13990 (Jan. 20 2021).pdf | 230 KB
Ex. 6 - Exec. Order 14008 (Jan. 27 2021).pdf | 251 KB
Ex. 7 - TSD on SCC (Feb. 2021).pdf | 2.36 MB
Ex. 8 - CEQ Climate Guidance 86 Fed. Reg. 10252 (Feb. 19 2021).pdf | 215 KB
Ex. 9 - Tongass NF Plan FEIS (2016) (excerpts).pdf | 2.34 MB
Letter Text.pdf | 18.23 MB