From:                                             Alan Elliott <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, October 22, 2020 2:45 AM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         Support Stibnite Gold Project


Attention payette national forest supervisor,

Hi there from a clean and green New Zealand thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Stibnite Gold Project as part of Midas Gold Idaho's comment period. I Am proud to be an overseas investor in this project and it is great that the company have a conscience when it comes to conservation of the environment. For too long prospectors have ravaged natural resources in the quest for mineral wealth. It makes a refreshing change that these companies are now being held accountable to preserve and improve our natural resources Good on your Country and these Companies for improving the Nature and not leaving indelible footprints.

I am impressed by Midas Gold's plans to clean up water quality conditions at the site by removing sediment and old materials blocking the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River. Today, steelhead and Chinook salmon cannot access spawning grounds because they are blocked by an abandoned mining pit. Midas will address this issue before mining even begins – reconnecting fish for the first time in more than 80 years. The company will build a fish passageway in the short term and eventually restore full access to 25 miles of perennial stream and 6 miles of fish spawning habitat above the Yellow Pine pit. If we do not allow Midas Gold to move forward with their plans, it is highly unlikely anyone else will provide the funds needed to reconnect fish to this currently lost habitat.

There has been more than sufficient time to comment on the Stibnite Gold Project. I encourage the U.S. Forest Service to move the Stibnite Gold Project forward and adopt Alternative two as the preferred alternative.

My best,
Alan Elliott

Name: Alan Elliott
City: Auckland New Zealand
State: ID