From:                                             BRENT COOK <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, October 22, 2020 9:16 AM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         Support Stibnite Gold Project


Dear Permitting Officials,

I am writing to express my support of Midas Gold Idaho and the Stibnite Gold Project. Midas Gold has shown they are committed to Idaho and want to take care of the environment. I hope you move forward and permit this project as quickly as possible provided the refractory ore concentrate is processed outside the National Forest Boundary.

Midas Gold's plan to remove, reuse, and reprocess tailings and waste rock, which your own draft environmental impact statement says will help the local ecosystem by reducing the high concentrations of metals that have leached into the water, makes sense if followed. In Chapter 4 of the draft EIS, it says removing legacy tailings and waste lowers concentrations of antimony and arsenic in the East Fork South Fork of the Salmon River (4.9-70).

For the above reasons and many more, please move forward with the permitting process. The comment period provides plenty of time to read the DEIS and submit comments. Further extensions of the comment period are unnecessary and will needlessly delay the project.



Name: Brent Cook
City: Rockville
State: UT