From:                                             George Byers <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:53 AM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         Comments on Stibnite Gold Project


Dear Stibnite Project NEPA Coordinator:

I am writing as a 42-year veteran of America's mining industry, prior to which I was an employee of both Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Land Management. My BLM experience was on the NEPA documentation side of major coal mines that still operate safely and cleanly today. My private sector experience involved executive-level work for companies safely, responsibly and sustainably producing coal, gold, silver, copper, the platinum group metals, uranium and rare earths.

I have been designated an "expert" by the Government Accountability Office with respect to rare earths and critical minerals in 2015, and my work has involved engagement with the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, Defense Logistics Agency, the Department of Energy's Critical Materials institute, as well as sworn testimony before federal commissions and the U.S. Congress. I was also president in 2009-2010 of the Northwest Mining Association (today the American Exploration & Mining Association), and have been a member of the board of directors of the Northwest, New Mexico, California, and Nevada Mining Associations.

With that as background, I wish to express my 100% support for Midas Gold Idaho's Stibnite Project. In my previous experience in mine development in both the federal and private sectors, I have never witnessed by any company the level of attention and commitment to follow through that Midas Gold has dedicated to the precise details of environmental restoration, social factors including development of skilled family-wage jobs, and the safe and environmentally sound operational aspects of the mining, restoration and cleanup activities themselves.

My wife and I will be retiring to Idaho, her home state, within six weeks. We will look forward to observing first-hand an improved economy in central Idaho that the Stibnite Project will bring. We will also applaud a major step forward by America in restoring at Stibnite a secure domestic mineral production capability for antimony, a designated "critical mineral" for which China now dominates global production.

Stibnite makes good sense for Idaho and America for a multitude of good reasons. I urge no further delay and prompt issuance of the Final EIS and Record of Decision.

Best regards,
George Byers

Name: George Byers
City: Denver
State: CO