From:                                             Donald A Whipple <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, October 22, 2020 3:55 PM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         I support the Stibnite Gold Project Alternative 2


To Whom it May Concern,

I support Midas Gold's Alternative 2 for the reasons listed below:

The U.S. Forest Service's online meeting room has made it easy to review the document and comment within the 60-day timeframe. Looking at the document, there is a clear advantage to Alternative 2 compared to the other options. According to a figure in Chapter 4, Hanger Flats pit lake would fill by year 14 of operations in Alternative 2. Under Alternative 1, it would take 19 years. The faster the lake fills up, the faster groundwater levels will recover around the lake. Alternative 3 and 4 would both delay the project by two years and cost substantially more. Alternative 3 would also place the tailings storage facility in a pristine reach of the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River. While Alternative 4 would put mine traffic to site right next to the river.

Reviewing Midas Gold's plans it is clear to me the company really believes in taking care of the environment and keeping the community safe. I urge you to permit the Stibnite Gold Project using alternative two and keep this project moving forward. The comment period has been extended by 15 days once already, please keep the comment period to 60 days, so we can prevent additional delays.

Warm regards,

Donald A Whipple

Name: Donald A Whipple
City: Cascade
State: ID