From:                                             norman kinnear <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, October 22, 2020 7:52 PM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         Midas Gold



Midas Gold Idaho's Stibnite Gold Project presents Idaho, particularly rural Idaho, with a huge economic and environmental opportunity. I am writing to encourage you to permit the project as quickly as possible.

I am grateful for the tools the USFS has provided to review the document. One area I was particularly interested in taking a closer look at was the tailings storage facility. I was happy to see in chapter 4 of the DEIS it says, Based on the slope stability analysis of the proposed design of the TSF dam, failure of the TSF dam from a seismic event is considered to have extremely low probability. This is good news considering the recent earthquakes Idaho has seen. Additionally, I am impressed with the location of the TSF under Alternative 2. This alternative uses the mountains to help secure the facility and would mean the dam would only cover 10% of the entire perimeter. Whereas Alternative 3 would move the TSF to a pristine area a subpar option.

I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. The USFS has provided plenty of tools to review the DEIS and make commenting within the 60-day timeframe possible. For the reasons I stated in my letter above, please permit the Stibnite Gold Project using alternative 2 and let Idahoans see the benefits of this important project.

Thanks for your Consideration,

Name: Norman Kinnear
City: Calgary
State: Other/International