From: EH Moore Superannuation Investments Pty Ltd
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:01 PM
To: Support Stibnite;; natalie
Subject: Permit Midas Gold
Payette National Forest Supervisor,
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Stibnite Gold Project
as part of Midas Gold Idaho's Comment Period. I have been closely following
Midas Gold Idaho's plans since they first came into the state of Idaho in large
part because much of the proposed project will take place on public land. The
more I have learned about the project, the more excited I am about the
possibilities it will bring into the state of Idaho.
After reviewing the DEIS using the tools provided by the U.S. Forest Service, I
believe Alternative 2 is the best option moving forward. It limits the project
footprint, keeps traffic away from key waterways, improves water quality and is
economically feasible. The project would also provide key economic benefits to
the region, such as family-wage jobs and a boost to the local tax base, as well
as environmental restoration. Midas Gold currently is the only company with a
feasible plan to fix the long-standing legacy issues at the site, such as
blocked fish passage and degraded water quality. I feel confident Midas Gold
will follow through on its promises to restore the site because of federal and
state financial assurance laws. The regulations will require Midas Gold to set
aside the necessary funds for restoration and reclamation before any mining
Midas Gold Idaho wants to invest $1 billion into our state of Idaho, bringing
more than 1,000 jobs to rural Idaho and still provide access to Idaho's public
lands. This is the type of project Idaho needs. And with the coronavirus, we
need it now more than ever. The USFS has provided sufficient time to review the
document and provide comments. It is time to move forward. I highly encourage
the U.S. Forest Service to pick alternative 2 as the preferred alternative for
the Stibnite Gold Project.
Name: EH Moore Superannuation Investments (Elizabeth Moore) Pty Ltd
City: Port Macquarie Australia
State: Other/International