From:                                             James Cohee <>

Sent:                                               Friday, October 23, 2020 3:15 AM

To:                                                  Support Stibnite;; natalie

Subject:                                         Comments on Stibnite Gold Project


Greetings Ms. Jackson and Staff,

If Midas Gold Idaho is allowed to move forward with the Stibnite Gold Project, they will reclaim an area impacted by historical mining, create hundreds of well-paying jobs and provide a huge boost to our economy in the process. It is a win-win for Valley County. We need to permit the project.

After reviewing the DEIS using the tools provided by the U.S. Forest Service, I believe Alternative 2 is the best option moving forward. It limits the project footprint, keeps traffic away from key waterways, improves water quality and is economically feasible. The project would also provide key economic benefits to the region, such as family-wage jobs and a boost to the local tax base, as well as environmental restoration. Midas Gold currently is the only company with a feasible plan to fix the long-standing legacy issues at the site, such as blocked fish passage and degraded water quality. I feel confident Midas Gold will follow through on its promises to restore the site because of federal and state financial assurance laws. The regulations will require Midas Gold to set aside the necessary funds for restoration and reclamation before any mining begins.

I urge you to accept Midas Gold's plan as outlined under alternative two. The U.S. Forest Service has provided the public with helpful virtual tools and materials to submit meaningful comments on the project within the allotted timeframe. It is time to move this project forward.

Best Wishes,

Name: James Cohee
City: Easley
State: ID