Dear USFS, 10/18/2020 Thanks for the opportunity to comment on ebikes use of NF lands. Though I am not for, nor against ebikes at this time I am more concerned about the USFS not doing enough to properly put Class 1 ebikes into a proper category. You have no rules governing Class 1 ebikes yet are claiming they are MV's. You have created a lot of meaningless work and are an embarrassment to the public you serve. Please review what a motorized vehicle is and remove class 1 ebikes as a MV. Whoever it was that came up with rules against Class 1 ebikes needs to have a serious talking to, and they're Supervisor, and people on Committees who have put Class 1 ebikes into MV category really need to think seriously about the consequences of telling the public Class 1 ebikes are MV's. I don't know a lot about ebikes but I do know Class 2 and 3 would be considered mv's as they can propel w/o user assistance other than having to hold a throttle. Class 1 ebike is not self propelled and are pedal assist, they will not operate on their own, if you do not pedal, they will not move. A self propelled push lawn mower could be considered a motor vehicle under your definition of mv but not under Federal Law. I don't know if the USFS is also governed under the 40 CFR Regulations, if so, there is a clear definition of MV's. Please disregard if you don't use 40 CFR's. 40 CFR § 85.1703 - Definition of motor vehicle. CFR § 85.1703 Definition of motor vehicle. (a) For the purpose of determining the applicability of section 216(2), a vehicle which is self-propelled and capable of transporting a person or persons or any material or any permanently or temporarily affixed apparatus shall be deemed a motor vehicle, unless any one or more of the criteria set forth below are met, in which case the vehicle shall be deemed not a motor vehicle: (1) The vehicle cannot exceed a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour over level, paved surfaces; or (2) The vehicle lacks features customarily associated with safe and practical street or highway use, such features including, but not being limited to, a reverse gear (except in the case of motorcycles), a differential, or safety features required by state and/or federal law; or (3) The vehicle exhibits features which render its use on a street or highway unsafe, impractical, or highly unlikely, such features including, but not being limited to, tracked road contact means, an inordinate size, or features ordinarily associated with military combat or tactical vehicles such as armor and/or weaponry. (b) Note that, in applying the criterion in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, vehicles that are clearly intended for operation on highways are motor vehicles. Absence of a particular safety feature is relevant only when absence of that feature would prevent operation on highways. [39 FR 32611, Sept. 10, 1974, as amended at 45 FR 13733, Mar. 3, 1980; 73 FR 59178, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 22977, Apr. 30, 2010; 81 FR 73972, Oct. 25, 2016] Thank you, Irene B. Lindquist