I was one of the attendees at the meeting you held at the Cold Creek Firehouse in June. I would like to add this comment to the one I gave to the woman who was there taking everything down: There were several people who spoke against the helicopter roundup and proposed very sound alternatives and volunteerng to help distribute birth control to the horses FOR FREE. The helicopter roundups are not something that anyone really wants, and they are expensive and highly ineffective ecologically to control and protect the horse population. Some of the residents in Cold Creek have been tracking and documenting the herd for years. They know the horses and their habits better than anyone. I previously expressed to the Court Reporter that I felt that the June meeting at the firehouse was just for show, just a sham. If you don't listen to these residents, who know the horses much better than you do and have presented you with viable alternatives to the cruel and pointless helicopter roundups, then you have only proven what I expressed that night. Please prove me wrong. Sincerely, Julianna Palazzolo 4840 Casa Anita Circ. North Las Vegas, NV 89031