The Alaska Region is revising the Forest Service Handbook (FSH), Region 10 Supplement for special uses administration (FSH 2709.11-2021-01) to provide updated direction on authorizing individual use, privately owned cabins under Section 1303 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) - commonly referred to as “ANILCA cabins.” The Region is proposing a policy change that will allow the Forest Service to continue authorizing the renewal or reissuance of special use permits for ANILCA cabins for traditional and customary uses that are compatible with the purposes for which the unit or area was established.
The Alaska Region is revising the Forest Service Handbook (FSH), Region 10 Supplements for Chapter 40 - special uses administration (FSH 2709.11-2021-01) and Chapter 50 – terms & conditions (FSH 2709.11-2006-6) to provide updated direction on authorizing individual use, privately owned cabins under Section 1303 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) - commonly referred to as “ANILCA cabins.” Additionally, the Forest Service’s proposed revisions would make obsolete and necessitate that Chapter 40 – Exhibit 2 (2709.11-2006-3) be rescinded. The Region is proposing these policy changes to allow the Forest Service to continue authorizing the renewal or reissuance of special use permits for ANILCA cabins for traditional and customary uses that are compatible with the purposes for which the unit or area was established. For additional information and a description of changes proposed, please visit the Alaska Region ANILCA Cabins webpage(
The Forest Service values public participation. Communications from the public regarding this project, including commenters' names and contact information, will become part of the public record. Comments, including anonymous comments, will be accepted at any time. However, comments posted after the close of a designated comment period may not be able to be given full consideration. Comments must be received in writing by March 8, 2024.
Jennifer Berger