Devil's Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory Management Plan #62741

Commenting on This Project

Opportunity to Object to the draft decision regarding the 2024 Devil’s Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory Management Plan

The Modoc National Forest has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA), draft Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact for the 2024 Devil’s Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory Management Plan. Based upon review of EA No. 62741, the decision is to select Alternative 1. This Proposed Action joins the East and West Sections of the DGPWHT with a Middle Section and expands fertility control. This decision will implement the 2024 (Final) Territory Management Plan as described in the EA, Appendix II. The 2024 TMP will supersede the 2013 Territory Management Plan. The proposed project or activity is subject to the pre-decisional objection process pursuant to 36 CFR 218 Subparts A and B. The EA and draft DN/FONSI are available on-line at: These documents are also available for review from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays, at the Modoc National Forest, Supervisor’s Office at 225 West 8th Street Alturas, California 96101. Additional information regarding this project or activity can be obtained from: the Wild Horse Information Line at (530) 233-8738 or email at: with Subject: Devil's Garden Plateau WHT - Middle Section.

How to Object and Timeframe

This proposed decision is subject to objection pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. Objections will only be accepted from those who submitted project-specific written comments during scoping or other designated comment period. Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted comments unless based on new information arising after the designated comment opportunities [36 CFR 218.8(c)]. Objections must be submitted within 45 days following the publication of this legal notice. The date of this legal notice is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection. Those wishing to object should not rely upon dates or timeframes provided by any other source. It is the objector’s responsibility to ensure evidence of timely receipt (36 CFR 218.9). Electronic objections must be submitted through the comment form on the project webpage ( by clicking on “Comment/Object on Project” in the “Get Connected” box on the right-hand side of the page.

Objections must include:

  1. name, address and telephone;
  2. signature or other verification of authorship;
  3. identify a single lead objector when applicable;
  4. project name, Responsible Official name and title, and name of affected National Forest(s) and/or Ranger District(s);
  5. reasons for, and suggested remedies to resolve, your objections; and
  6. description of the connection between your objections and your prior comments (36 CFR 218.8(d)). Incorporation of documents by reference is permitted only as provided in 36 CFR 218.8(b).

For additional information, contact: Ian Reid, Acting Forest Supervisor, Modoc National Forest, Supervisor’s Office at 225 West 8th Street Alturas, California 96101 at (530) 233-5811 TDD: (530) 233-8708 or


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

Madeleine Levy

Devils Garden Ranger District
225 W. 8th St. , Alturas, CA, 96101