We are asking for any feedback you have on these Draft Assessment sections, such as factual corrections, additional data sources, and sub-topics that you would like added, or any questions that remain.
We will consider all feedback received and update the individual sections into final versions, which will be shared when they are completed later this year. At that time, we will also create an integrated Final Assessment report, which will consolidate the findings of all the sections and describe the interactions among resources.
The form below can be used to submit your comments to the responsible project official.
National Forests have the option to post comments for public viewing on this web site via a public reading room. Active reading rooms allow the public to read or download your letter, including your contact information. If this project has an active reading room, a link labeled “Public Comment Reading Room” will appear on the main project page. The agency may withhold letters containing proprietary information, sensitive cultural or habitat locations, profanity, etc. All letters, including those not posted, will be considered and included as part of the project record.
Disclaimer: All contact information is optional; however, anonymous comments will not provide standing to object.