Jellico Vegetation Management Project #63037

Commenting on This Project

The Forest Service values public participation. Communications from the public regarding this project, including commenters' names and contact information, will become part of the public record. Comments, including anonymous comments, will be accepted at any time. However, comments posted after the close of a designated comment period may not be able to be given full consideration. Anonymous comments and comments submitted after the close of the final designated comment period will not provide the commenter standing for administrative review. Interested members of the public should review the proposal's information to determine the applicable administrative review process and the eligibility requirements for that process.

Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, oral, and electronic comments will be accepted for 30 calendar days following the date of publication of the legal notice in the McCreary County Voice, the newspaper of record for the Stearns Ranger District of the Daniel Boone National Forest. The publication date of the legal notice in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the time to submit written comments on a proposed project or activity. 
Only those who submit timely and specific written comments (as defined by 36 CFR §218.2) regarding the proposal during a public comment period established by the responsible official are eligible to file an objection (36 CFR §218.5(a)). A timely submission will be determined as outlined in 36 CFR §218.25(a)(4). It is the responsibility of all individuals and organizations to ensure that their comments are received in a timely manner. For objection eligibility, each individual or representative from each entity submitting timely and specific written comments must either sign the comment or verify identity upon request.
Please provide the following information as part of your comments (36 CFR 218.25(a)(3)):
1. Name and address;
2. Title of the project (Jellico Vegetation Management EA);
3. Specific comments on the proposed action or alternatives, along with supporting reasons
that the responsible official should consider in reaching a decision;
4. Signature or other verification of identity upon request. Individual members of an entity
must submit their own individual comments in order to have eligibility to object as an individual.


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

John Hull

Stearns Ranger District
3320 Highway 27 N , Whitley, KY, 42653