Region 5 Post-Disturbance Hazardous Tree Management Project #60950

Commenting on This Project

Region 5 Post-Disturbance Hazardous Tree Management Project #60950

Commenting on This Project

Opportunity to Object. The draft decisions associated with this project are subject to objection pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. Objections will only be accepted from those who submitted project-specific written comments during scoping or other designated comment period. Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted comments unless based on new information arising after the designated comment opportunities [36 CFR 218.8(c)].

How to Object

Central Sierra Zone - Lassen or Plumas National Forests – objection period closed.

Southern Sierra Zone – Inyo, Sierra, or Sequoia National Forests – objection period closed.

North Zone - Mendocino, Klamath, Shasta-Trinity, or Six Rivers National Forests - objection period closed.

Objections must be submitted within 45 days following the publication of the legal notice in the respective forest’s newspaper of record. The date of the legal notice is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection. Those wishing to object should not rely upon dates or timeframes provided by any other source. It is the objector’s responsibility to ensure evidence of timely receipt (36 CFR 218.9).

If you are not able to access the online form, objections may be emailed to with subject: R5 Post-disturbance Hazardous Tree Management Project; or submitted by postal mail to: USDA Forest Service, Regional Forester, 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592, Attn: R5 Post-disturbance Hazardous Tree Management Project. Electronic submissions must be in common formats (.doc, .pdf, .rtf, .txt). Please indicate if your objection is specific to a National Forest or Zone.

Objections must include [36 CFR 218.8(d)]: 1) name, address and telephone; 2) signature or other verification of authorship; 3) identify a single lead objector when applicable; 4) project name, Responsible Official name and title, and name of affected National Forest(s); 5) reasons for, and suggested remedies to resolve, your objections; and, 6) description of the connection between your objections and your prior comments. Incorporation of documents by reference is permitted only as provided in 36 CFR 218.8(b).

For additional information, contact Laura Hierholzer, Regional Environmental Coordinator,



If you have a question about this project, please send it to:


R5 - Pacific Southwest Region All Units
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