Revision of Forest Plan for the Gila National Forest #51887

Commenting on This Project

The filing periods for submitting objections and interested person requests have closed.

notice of the opportunity to object was posted in the Silver City Daily Press on July 30, 2024, initiating a 60-day opportunity to object to the revised forest plan and the Regional Forester’s list of species of conservation concern for the Gila National Forest. Eligible objections are available for review below. The filing period ended on September 30, 2024. The Forest Service received 15 unique eligible letters from individuals and organizations. Topics included: 2012 Planning Rule, Air Quality, Botany, Climate Change, Endangered Species Act, Fire and Fuels, Hydrology, Indigenous Knowledge, Invasive Species, National Environmental Policy Act, National Forest Management Act, Range, Recreation, Silviculture, Socioeconomics, Species of Conservation Concern, Threatened and Endangered Species, Timber Management, Transportation, Travel Management, Wild and Scenic River, Wilderness.

On October 10, 2024, the US Forest Service published a legal notice in the Silver City Daily Press initiating a 10-day period to file a request to participate as an interested person in any discussions between the Forest Service and the objectors related to the issues they raised in objection and potential resolution. The filing period closed on Monday, October 21, 2024.

Objection Resolution Meetings

The Forest Service objection process allows the agency to consider public concerns early on, before a decision is made, aligning with the Forest Service’s collaborative approach to forest management and increasing the likelihood of resolving ongoing concerns (36 CFR 219, Subpart B). Prior to the issuance of the reviewing officer's written objection response, either the reviewing officer or the objector may request to meet to discuss issues raised in the objection and potential resolution. Resolution meetings are open to observation by the public, but only objectors and interested persons may actively participate (36 CFR 219.57). The intent of the resolution meeting is to clarify issues and explore potential remedies so that the reviewing officer gains full understanding of the issues, including the perspectives of interested persons at that time. We anticipate holding a resolution meeting in mid-January. Additional information regarding the meeting including the exact dates, times, format, location, and agenda will be sent to objectors and interested persons and posted on this webpage in December.

See the Legal notice of opportunity to object and Legal notice of objections filed and interested persons requests for additional information Final Written Response and Extension of Review All objectors will receive a written response to their objection prior to a final decision being made on the Gila National Forest Plan. The 90-day objection review period ends on December 27, 2024. In order to provide for an adequate response to the objections and to participate in discussions with eligible objectors and interested persons, the reviewing officers have elected to extend the review period as provided by the regulation at 36 CFR 219.56(g).


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

Lisa Mizuno

Gila National Forest All Units
3005 E. Camino del Bosque , Silver City, NM, 88061-7863