Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision #64157

Commenting on This Project

The Forest Service values public participation. Communications from the public regarding this project, including commenters' names and contact information, will become part of the public record. Feedback, including anonymous feedback, will be accepted at any time. However, feedback posted after the close of a designated period may not be able to be given full consideration. Feedback on the draft Preliminary Need to Change and feedback submitted after the close of the final designated period will not provide the commenter standing for administrative review. Public input can be provided by recommending feedback or edits to the draft Preliminary Need to Change statements or identifying other needed changes to the current 1990 Forest Plans. Feedback is not formal and does not provide standing for objection. Feedback will be used to refine the Need to Change, which establishes the framework for the development of plan content. The Need to Change and the Preliminary Draft Land Management Plan (proposed action) will be released with the Notice of Intent to develop an Environmental Impact Statement in early 2025, beginning the Plan Development Stage.


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

Michael Neuenschwander

Umatilla National Forest All Units
72510 Coyote Road , Pendleton, OR, 97801