Stanislaus National Forest Hazard Tree Management #63553

Commenting on This Project

The Forest Service values public participation.

The Forest Service is seeking comments on the Stanislaus National Forest Hazard Tree Management Project

This is the second solicitation of comments for this particular project. The Forest Service first sought your comments in early April 2023. At that time the Forest Service had prepared Determination of NEPA Adequacy (DNA) and made that, and other related documentation available for review. Since that time, an Environmental Assessment was prepared in lieu of the DNA. With an Environmental Assessment now available, the Forest Service is seeking your comments once again.

This project proposes felling and removal of hazardous trees adjacent to roads, high-use motorized trails, and recreation and administrative sites within the Stanislaus National Forest.

Comments concerning this proposal will be accepted for 30 calendar days following publication of the legal notice in the Union Democrat, the newspaper of record for the Stanislaus National Forest.

Communications from the public regarding this project, including commenters' names and contact information, will become part of the public record. Comments, including anonymous comments, will be accepted at any time. However, comments posted after the close of a designated comment period may not be able to be given full consideration.

This project is subject to the pre-decisional administrative review process pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. As always, it is important to the Forest Service and the NEPA process that you submit your specific written comments timely to allow us the opportunity to consider your comments before developing the draft decision (expected in September 2023). Only individuals or entities (as defined by 36 CFR 218.2) who submit timely and specific written comments during this 30-day comment period will be eligible to file an objection during the objection period, if one is provided for this project, prior to a final decision (36 CFR 218.5(a)). The publication date in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period for this proposal. Those wishing to comment should not rely on dates or timeframe information provided by any other source (36 CFR 218.24(c)(2)). Extensions to the length of the comment period cannot be granted (35 CFR 218.25(a)(1)(iv)). Individuals and organizations wanting eligibility to object must meet the information requirements of 36 CFR 218.25(a)(3) including specific written comments regarding the proposed project, along with supporting reasons (36 CFR 218.25(a)(3)(iii)). Each individual or representative from each entity submitting timely and specific written comments regarding this project must either sign the comments or verify identify upon request (36 CFR 218.24(b)(8)). All written comments received by the responsible official become a matter of public record (36 CFR 218.25(b)(2)).


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

Benjamin Cossel

Stanislaus National Forest All Units
19777 Greenley Road , Sonora, CA, 95370