Opportunity to Object per 36 CFR 218 Subpart A and C Clear Creek Forest Health Project
The Mountain Home Ranger District of the Boise National Forest has prepared an Environmental Assessment / Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI) and draft Decision Notice (DN) for the Clear Creek Forest Health Project. This project was proposed to improve forest resiliency and respond to uncharacteristic insect and disease disturbance that has occurred throughout the project area, as well as reduce hazardous fuel levels that increase the potential for uncharacteristic wildfire. Actions include commercial and non-commercial vegetation management, fuels reduction, and associated transportation management activities. The project area is within a landscape designated by the Governor of Idaho in May 2014 as a priority treatment landscape due to ongoing insect and disease activities affecting forest health and resilience. The responsible official is Tawnya Brummett, Forest Supervisor. This proposed authorized hazardous fuel reduction project is subject to the objection process pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and C.
How to Object and Timeframe
A final decision will not be made until after the pre-decisional administrative review (objection) process has been completed. Objections will be accepted only from those who have previously submitted specific written comments regarding the proposed project during scoping or other designated opportunity for public comment in accordance with 36 CFR § 218.5(a). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted timely, specific written comments regarding the proposed project unless based on new information arising after designated opportunities. A connection to previous comments must be demonstrated in the objection. Individual members of an organization must have submitted their own comments to meet the requirements of eligibility as an individual. Objections received on behalf of an organization are considered as those of the organization only. If an objection is submitted on behalf of a number of individuals or organizations, each individual or organization listed must meet the eligibility requirement of having previously submitted comments on the project (§218.7).
An objection, including attachments, must be filed (regular mail, fax, email, hand-delivery, express delivery, or messenger service) with the appropriate reviewing officer (see § 218.3 and 218.8) within 30 days of the date of publication of the legal notice for the objection process. The Objection Reviewing Officer is the Intermountain (R4) Regional Forester. Send written objections, including all attachments, to: Objection Reviewing Officer, Intermountain Region USFS, 324 25th Street, Ogden, Utah 84401; or fax to 801-625-5277; or by email to: objections-intermtn-regional-office@usda.gov. Due to precautions in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Objection Reviewing Officer can accept hand-delivered objections only via advanced coordination with the Regional Objections Coordinator, who can be contacted at objections-intermtn-regional-office@usda.gov. Electronic objections must be submitted in a format such as an email message, pdf, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf) or Word (.doc, .docx). State “Clear Creek Forest Health Project” in the subject line. In cases where no identifiable name is attached to an electronic message, a verification of identity will be required. A scanned signature is one way to provide verification.
The publication date of the legal notice in the newspaper of record, which is the Idaho Statesman for Boise National Forest Supervisor decisions, is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection (§ 218.26(a) and 218.32(a)). Those wishing to object should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. It is the objector’s responsibility to ensure timely filing of a written objection with the reviewing officer (see §218.9).
Timeliness must be determined by the following indicators: (1) The date of the U.S. Postal Service postmark for an objection received before the close of the fifth business day after the objection filing period; (2) The agency’s electronically generated posted date and time for email and facsimiles; (3) The shipping date for delivery by private carrier for an objection received before the close of the fifth business day after the objection filing period; or (4) The official agency date stamp showing receipt of hand delivery.
For emailed objections, the sender should receive an automated electronic acknowledgement from the agency as confirmation of receipt. If the sender does not receive an automated acknowledgment of receipt of the objection, it is the sender's responsibility to ensure timely filing by other means.
At a minimum, an objection must include the following (see §218.8): Objector's name and address as defined in §218.2, with a telephone number, if available; signature or other verification of authorship upon request (a scanned signature for electronic mail may be filed with the objection); when multiple names are listed on an objection, identification of the lead objector as defined in §218.2. Verification of the identity of the lead objector must be provided upon request or the reviewing officer will designate a lead objector as provided in §218.5(d); name of the proposed project, the name and title of the responsible official, and the name(s) of the national forest(s) and/or ranger district(s) on which the proposed project will be implemented; description of those aspects of the proposed project addressed by the objection, including specific issues related to the proposed project; if applicable, how the objector believes the environmental analysis or draft decision specifically violates law, regulation, or policy; suggested remedies that would resolve the objection; supporting reasons for the reviewing officer to consider; and statement that demonstrates the connection between prior specific written comments on the particular proposed project or activity and the content of the objection, unless the objection concerns an issue that arose after the designated opportunities for comment.
Incorporation of documents by reference is permitted only as provided for at §218.8(b).
Objections received in response to this solicitation, including names and addresses of those who object, will be considered part of the public record and will be available for public inspection if requested.
The EA, FONSI and draft DN are available online at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=59217 (see Objection Period folder). These documents are also available for review at the Mountain Home Ranger District Office. Additional information regarding this project can be obtained from: Joshua Newman, Project Team Leader, Mountain Home Ranger District, 3080 Industrial Avenue, Mountain Home, Idaho 83647, 208-587-7865.
Joshua Newman