Twelve Mile Project #48776

Commenting on This Project

This form will be active during the 45 day objection period Oct 10 2019 through Nov 24 2019. 

This proposed project is subject to the objection process pursuant to 36 CFR 218 subparts A and B. Objections will only be accepted from those who have previously submitted specific written comments regarding the proposed project during scoping or other designated opportunity for public comment in accordance with §218.5(a). Issue raised in objections must be based on previously submitted timely and specific written comments regarding the proposed project unless based on new information arising after the designated comment opportunities.

Incorporation of documents by reference is not allowed except for the following items that may be referenced by including date page and section of the cited document along with a description of its content and applicability to the objection: 1) All or any part of a Federal law or regulation; 2) Forest Service directives and land management plans; 3) Documents referenced by the Forest Service in the proposed project environmental analysis document that is subject to objection. All other documents must be included with the objection.

At a minimum an objection must include the following: objector’s name and physical mailing address; signature or other verification of authorship upon request; identification of the lead objector when multiple names are listed; name of the proposed project; name and title of responsible official; and name of national forest unit(s) on which the project will be implemented (§218.8(d)).


If you have a question about this project, please send it to:

Jason Herron

Appalachian Ranger District
P.O. Box 128 , Hot Springs, NC, 28743