NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS FILED AND OPPORTUNITY TO REQUEST INTERESTED PERSON STATUS Land and Resource Management Plan, Malheur National Forest Reviewing Officer: Regional Forester, Region 6. Time Zone of Reviewing Officer: Pacific Time The 45-day objection filing period for the Malheur Land and Resource Management Plan that is subject to the objections regulations at 36 CFR 219 has closed. The Forest Service received one objection during the 219 objection filing period. All objection letters subject to objection regulations are posted under the heading “Objection” at the top of the page on the following website: The Reviewing Officer is determining eligibility for all objectors and will notify all objectors of their status. The Draft Decision Notice, Forest Plan Amendment, and Finding of No Significant Impact on the Appropriate Management Level, Herd Management Area Plan and Population Management Actions for the Murderer’s Creek Wild Horse Joint Management Area is available on the following website: The objection process requirements at 36 CFR 219.57 allow interested persons to participate in any resolution meetings between objectors and the Forest Service. This notice serves as the opportunity to request interested persons status for this Plan Amendment. The purpose of this opportunity is to better assure that efforts to resolve objections are conducted in an open and collaborative forum. Written requests for recognition as an interested person (36 CFR 219.57) must be submitted no later than 10 days after the publication date of this notice, and must include the following information: name and affiliation (if any); mailing address, phone number, and email address (if available); and the name(s) of the objector(s) in whose objection the person has an interest; a brief explanation of the interest in the objection and any specific concerns including a description of support or opposition to the objection; and identification of substantive formal comment provided by the interested person requester during the planning process demonstrating the requester’s participation in the planning process. Submit requests to become an interested person to Objection Reviewing Officer. Requests may be submitted by regular mail (USPS) to the following: USDA Forest Service, Attn: Objection Reviewing Officer, Pacific Northwest Region, 1570 Objections, 1220 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Requests may also be submitted by carrier (UPS or FedEx) or hand deliveries to the following address: USDA Forest Service, Attn: Objection Reviewing Officer, 1570 Objections, 1220 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Hardcopy submissions by regular mail, carrier, or hand delivery must include a subject line on page one stating: “Interested Person Request regarding the Malheur Land and Resource Management Plan” Electronic requests must be submitted to the Objection Reviewing Officer at this address:], with the subject line “Interested Person Request for the Malheur Land and Resource Management Plan.” Electronic requests must be submitted in a commonly used format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), portable document format (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.docx). Individuals or entities granted interested person status may participate in the objection resolution discussions with the objectors and the Reviewing Officer. In order to ensure objection resolution discussions are transparent, resolution meetings are open to observation by the public. Interested persons will be invited to resolution meetings to participate in discussions about the issues raised in the objections in which they have an interest.
Objections Reviewing Officer